Thorsen Yearbook



Desgined as a college faternity yearbook. Extensive custom carvings replicating the Greene and Greene architectural style of the Thorsen Mansion in San Francisco. finished with antique wallnut stain.

Some references include:

  • Carving of a lamp which is prevelant in the Thorsen House
  • Geometric forms to mimic woodworking styles throughout the house
  • A stained glass tree recreated on the back of the cover.

Texthere Grey Box with Rounded Corners and Bold Text

Finished bound yearbook

Why Leather Working?

I was introduced to leather working years ago when I visited Tandy Leather with my dad. He had previously stumbled upon it and thought it was a cool store. I’ve been designing my own leather goods and crafting them by hand ever since.

Objectives for Each Project: The majority of my projects are gifts for friends and family during the holidays. Each time I start a new project I try to design something which fits the person’s functional and aesthetic needs. Finally I implement a new skill or technique I’ve recently learned about. This process allows me to improve my craftsmanship with every project I complete, which is evident in my portfolio.

Every project starts with an idea and a few sketches. Decide on a color scheme and design a mock model in cardstock for particularly complex designs. Then these cardstock templates can be cut used to cut out the leather peices and saved for future itterations or replicas of projects.